Apr 16Liked by Kevin Xu

The figure by Kiel Institute is misleading and not fair. They should compare the subsidies received per vehicle by each company rather than the total amount. I bet it will paint a complete different picture.

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Apr 13Liked by Kevin Xu

Have spent my whole career in automotive and Tesla has really shaken up the industry. It is amazing that after all this time many legacy OEMs are still incapable of developing anything competitive with Tesla's HW/SW or charging infrastructure. Instead it's the Chinese OEM's and startups that at least are providing compelling alternatives to Tesla thanks to generous incentives and support from the government. The competition in the Chinese market is brutal right now, so except for the big SOEs it is difficult to predict which players will survive or flourish.

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Nice write up Kevin. I agree with most of what you say here. However, since there is always more than a hint of uncertainty about "big brother" monitoring and malpractice in China, foreign investors and businesses should exercise caution when putting money to work there. Dont trust anything, anyone, any data...verify everything from multiple sources and secure everything. With such a high burden for investors and businesses...perhaps it is more prudent to look elsewhere, into other markets where the rules are clear and they are followed....where the data can be trusted.

Sorry I might be negative on China...I just dont feel that the juice is worth the squeeze when one can invest in so many other more dependable international markets. Cheers

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catfish effect of tesla a thing prc side has discussed for a while, in a good way. here is one example

November 2020 People's Daily - 特斯拉“鲶鱼效应”持续升级 http://paper.people.com.cn/zgnyb/html/2020-11/09/content_2017816.htm






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