When I was a boy I watched the first real-time transatlantic TV broadcast, as did Jack Kennedy, I later learned. His response was prescient: "How are we gonna control the news if this keeps happening?”.
As to out-China-ing China, never.
Like Singapore, China has a constitutional mandate to control misinformation. Its censorship is run by leading intellectuals who must follow the published regulations and explain their decisions when challenged.
That is only possible in a democracy, and the US is not a democracy, nor has it ever been.
The reason why singapore & China have strict misinformation policies is because the U.S is constantly involved in espionage, subversion,spreading propaganda, enciting color revolutions & black mail. Imagine if China was as weak as Libya? As an American, even if I begged the Libyans for forgiveness our sins wouldn't wash away in a million years, Libya went from a rough around the edges, developing country, to now having open slave markets.
When I was a boy I watched the first real-time transatlantic TV broadcast, as did Jack Kennedy, I later learned. His response was prescient: "How are we gonna control the news if this keeps happening?”.
As to out-China-ing China, never.
Like Singapore, China has a constitutional mandate to control misinformation. Its censorship is run by leading intellectuals who must follow the published regulations and explain their decisions when challenged.
That is only possible in a democracy, and the US is not a democracy, nor has it ever been.
Somewhat related.
The reason why singapore & China have strict misinformation policies is because the U.S is constantly involved in espionage, subversion,spreading propaganda, enciting color revolutions & black mail. Imagine if China was as weak as Libya? As an American, even if I begged the Libyans for forgiveness our sins wouldn't wash away in a million years, Libya went from a rough around the edges, developing country, to now having open slave markets.